Wisdom Teeth Removal
Wisdom teeth typically erupt in the late teen years or the early 20s and can lead to a range of oral health complications. Our doctors can remove them safely and expediently.
Dental Implants
Looking for a permanent option for tooth replacement? Dental implants are comfortable, secure, and long-lasting. The doctors at our practice have ample experience in placing dental implants.
Tooth Extractions
Whether due to traumatic fracture or simple dental neglect, some teeth become damaged beyond saving. Our doctors can remove them quickly and safely, ensuring your comfort throughout.
Bone Grafting
Some patients do not have enough healthy jawbone to receive dental implants or other necessary surgeries. Bone grafting may be the best way forward.
Bone Grafting
Injections of platelet-rich plasma, or PRP, provide a natural way to tap into your body’s own healing capabilities, potentially offering amazing anti-aging effects. Our doctors have much experience with PRP treatments.
Pre-Prosthetic Surgery
Many of our patients require surgery to restore their facial form and function. This surgery may be necessary before dental prosthetics can be put into place.
Pre-Prosthetic Surgery
Impacted Canines
For some patients, the canines, or eye-teeth, never fully break through the gums. Through surgical intervention, we can help move those canines into their proper, healthy position.
Impacted Canines
Other Impacted Teeth
When teeth do not fully break through the gums, it can lead to a range of oral health complications. Our doctors can provide safe, expedient treatment.
Other Impacted Teeth
Jaw Surgery
Many of our patients require corrective jaw surgery to address issues of alignment, inadequate jaw size, or even fractures. Our doctors are prepared to intervene.
Jaw Surgery
Distraction Osteogenesis
Some patients require short bones to be lengthened, something we can assist with through this safe, simple, and effective form of surgery. Reach out to learn more.
Distraction Osteogenesis
Cleft Lip & Palate Treatment
Our practice has a proven track record of treating patients who struggle with cleft lips or cleft palates. We can provide the reconstructive surgeries our patients need.
Cleft Lip & Palate Treatment
Oral Pathology
Through digital scanning and physical evaluation, our surgeons can identify and diagnose tumors, growths, and cysts within the mouth. We refer our patients to qualified specialists as needed.
TMJ Disorders
For patients with TMJ, corrective jaw surgery might mean lasting pain relief. Our practice has helped countless Naperville, IL residents alleviate their TMJ symptoms.
Sleep Apnea Treatment
Sleep apnea is a potentially serious breathing disorder, one that can often be corrected through oral surgery. Our doctors are prepared to diagnose and treat patients who have this condition.
Cosmetic Fillers
Over time, the skin loses its elasticity, resulting in problems ranging from wrinkles to jowls. Cosmetic fillers can help restore your skin to a tighter, more youthful appearance.